The American Vision: Modern Times © 2010 Indiana Edition

Chapter 15: The Cold War Begins

The Cold War Begins

What was the Soviets’ primary concern following World War II?
A)increasing their nation’s security
B)spreading communism
C)promoting free trade
D)fighting capitalism
What did leaders at the Yalta Conference decide about post-war Poland?
A)The Soviets would remove their Communist government and allow free elections.
B)The Soviets could retain their Communist government, but they would allow free elections later.
C)Poland would be divided into four zones.
D)The Allies would install a democratic government until free elections could be held.
In the years after World War II, arguments about __________ increased tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States.
A)the United States providing relief aid to the Soviets
B)war reparations and economic policy in Germany
C)the Soviet-controlled zone in Germany
D)the Berlin airlift
The Marshall Plan was designed to fight communism by __________.
A)authorizing expansive military responses to Soviet aggression
B)using political pressure to undermine Communist governments
C)providing economic aid to struggling foreign nations
D)increasing the United States’s military arsenal
What was the Soviet role in the Korean War?
A)Soviet soldiers landed in North Korea and led an invasion of South Korea.
B)Soviet leaders vetoed the American proposal to engage the United Nations in the Korean War.
C)The Soviets provided economic support to the South Korean resistance.
D)The Soviets provided extensive military aid to Communist forces in North Korea.
Which event started new fears among Americans that communists secretly worked to subvert their government?
A)the trial of Alger Hiss
B)the information revealed by Project Venona
C)documents revealed by Soviet defector Igor Gouzenko
D)the Rosenberg trial
In 1953 __________ shocked Americans and led them to begin practicing bomb drills and building fallout shelters.
A)the Rosenberg trial
B)the McCarthy hearings
C)the fall of China to communism
D)the Soviet testing of the H-bomb
Eisenhower’s “New Look” for the U.S. defense policy was to ___________.
A)reduce the military budget and close military bases
B)increase the dependence on nuclear weapons
C)increase foreign aid to struggling nations
D)stage a series of small wars in Communist nations
How did the Korean War end?
A)Eisenhower used brinkmanship to force the Chinese to negotiate a settlement.
B)Eisenhower used nuclear weapons to destroy North Korea.
C)Eisenhower followed a strategy of “small attacks on small hills” resulting in an ormistice.
D)Eisenhower used brinkmanship to recapture North Korea from Communist forces.
Eisenhower’s covert operations suffered a defeat when Soviet forces crushed a CIA-inspired uprising in __________.
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