Exploring Our World: Western Hemisphere People, Places, and Cultures © 2010 Indiana Edition

Chapter 8: History and Cultures of Latin America

Web Activity Lesson Plans

In this chapter, students have learned that many Latin American countries have high population growth rates. Some countries, such as Guatemala and Honduras, are finding it increasingly difficult to provide housing, jobs, and health care for their citizens. More Latin Americans are leaving impoverished rural areas and moving to cities to search for a better way of life, but conditions in urban areas are often no better. Students will learn how some Latin American governments are using a new strategy to help these people gain access to health and human services and break the cycle of poverty.

Lesson Description
Students will visit the Population Reference Bureau Web site to learn how some Latin American countries are providing cash incentives to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for many.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The learner will be able to identify and explain CCTs.
  2. The learner will be able to explain what some Latin American governments hope to achieve by providing CCTs to the disadvantaged.
  3. The learner will be able to explain how CCTs are different from previous poverty reduction programs.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. conditional cash transfers
  2. CCTs are designed to reduce poverty and expand access to health care, education, and job services
  3. Older poverty reduction strategies focused on short-term income supplements and distributions of food; CCTs focus on long-term investment in education and health
  4. 100 soles (approx. $31)

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