Glencoe World History: Modern Times © 2011 Virginia Edition

Chapter 4: Toward a New World

Student Web Activity Lesson Plans

Early Civilizations in the Americas

Web Activity Lesson Plan

Many cultural achievements of early civilizations in Mesoamerica have been passed down through tradition. One example is the ancient ballgame which was a part of all major cultures of Mesoamerica. In this activity, students will learn about how archaeologists have uncovered evidence of the ballgame and how the ballgame spread throughout Mesoamerican cultures.

Lesson Description
Students will go to a Web site about early civilizations in the Americas. They will first read about Mesoamerican culture and then answer five questions about what they have read.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The learner will be able to identify achievements of the major cultures of Mesoamerica.
  2. The learner will be able to analyze the role of sports in Mesoamerican cultures.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Balls in the Americas were made of rubber and bounced, while those in Europe were made of wood or leather.
  2. It was spread by Olmec merchants along their trade routes to other areas of Mesoamerica.
  3. The walls of the ballcourts were often decorated with stone sculptors of birds, jaguars, and skulls, and stone friezes of post-game rituals.
  4. Answers will vary, but can include the discovery of prehistoric remains of rubber balls, the finding of over 600 stone ballcourts in Mexico, and descriptions from early explorers and ethnographers.
  5. Answers will vary depending on the sport chosen, but may include use of a rubber ball and court.

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