Glencoe World History: Modern Times © 2011 Virginia Edition

Chapter 18: Nationalism Around the World

Student Web Activity

African Nationalism

After World War I, nationalism spread throughout Africa. Many Western-educated Africans organized to end colonial rule in their countries. In this activity, you will learn about the actions Africans took in the early movements for independence.

Destination Title: The Story of Africa

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  • At the left side of the screen, click on "Between World Wars."
  • Then click on "Nationalism and vision"on the left side of the screen.
  • Read the information and take notes.
  • Note the multimedia aspects of the site, including text, visuals, and audio segments.

Where and for what reasons did early organized strikes occur?
What was the purpose of the political organizations that sprang up?
How did Jomo Kenyatta characterize colonial rulers?
What were four resolutions passed at the third Pan-African Congress?
Create a multimedia presentation about one of the African nationalists discussed in the textbook or on the Web site. Subjects may include but are not limited to Herbert Macaulay, Harry Thuku, Omar Mukhtar, Jomo Kenyatta, Leopold Senghor, and Nnamdi Azikwe. Write a short biography and summary of achievements. In your presentation, include photos, time lines, audio, and poetry or other writings of the leaders.
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