Glencoe World History: Modern Times © 2011 Virginia Edition

Chapter 24: Asia and the Pacific

Student Web Activity

The Four Modernizations

Deng Xiaoping, who became the leader of China after Mao Zedong died, called for a program of Four Modernizations—new policies in industry, agriculture, science and technology, and national defense. The aim of this program was to move China to a more market-driven economy while remaining committed to a Communist political system. In this activity you will read about the goals and effects of the Four Modernizations.

Destination Title: Economic Development in China After Mao

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  • Read the information on the Web site and take notes.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

How did Maoism view modernization?
How had Mao's Great Leap Forward affected steel production?
What did the the Ten Year Plan encourage farmers on communes to do?
What two ventures did the Chinese initiate to provide new sources of revenue or capital to fund the Ten Year Plan?
Electronic spreadsheets are used to manage numbers quickly and easily. Formulas may be used to add, subtract, multiply, and divide the numbers in a spreadsheet. Create a spreadsheet showing how iron and steel production, petroleum production, agricultural output and investment, and coal production quotas varied from the beginning of the Four Modernizations to 1979, when a revised plan was created.
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