The American Journey Modern Times © 2011

Chapter 17: New Challenges

Web Activity Lesson Plans

"Preparing for Disaster"

In this chapter students learned about human-made and natural disasters and how they affected the lives of Americans. As a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security was created to help Americans prepare more thoroughly for these types of disasters. The department's Web site includes information for young people to help them create a family emergency plan.

Lesson Description
Students will prepare a family plan to use in case of an emergency.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The student will be able to identify the types of disasters that might require an emergency plan.
  2. The student will develop a plan that the family could use during an emergency.
  3. The student will create a survival kit that includes emergency items the family will need for three days.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Tornados, earthquakes, fire, flooding, tsunamis, hurricanes, and terrorist attacks
  2. A three-day supply of non-perishable food
  3. Answers may include creating a plan for how family members will communicate with each other if they are not together during an emergency, where family members can meet, and what to do about family pets.
  4. People should have a document with them at all times that lists an emergency contact name and phone number, an out-of-state contact name and phone number, and the location and phone number of a neighborhood place where they can meet during an emergency.
  5. Plans and kits should include important items such as food supplies, contact names and phone numbers, and procedures for communicating with each other during an emergency.
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