Business and Personal Finance ©2012

Chapter 3: Types of Business Ownership

NAF Case Study

Plan Your Financial Life (National Academy Foundation)

Sara, who just turned 18 last week, will graduate from high school this year. All of a sudden, she’s realized that she is not really on the road to success. Sara has always dreamed of being a brain surgeon. But, she hasn’t completed any science courses, hasn’t applied to college or taken any college admission exams, and hasn’t even investigated what a brain surgeon’s career is really like. During high school, Sara worked part-time as a waitress and a cook. While she earned decent pay, she spent most of it on clothes and a new car.

Taking stock of her life and her prospects for the future, Sara decides to plan out the next five years of her life. She has decided that instead of brain surgery, she would rather own a catering business. Catering seems like a more attainable goal, and actually, maybe even more rewarding.


What would you expect to see on Sara’s new five-year game plan?

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