Business and Personal Finance ©2012

Chapter 11: Finances and Career Planning

Standard & Poor's Financial Focus

Assess Your Assets

How can you know what career will suit you unless you first know your own interests, values, and goals? You must know something about yourself in order to make sound career decisions. Many of your values and interests, even your goals may change throughout your life. You might even change careers in midlife. Still, you need to assess your assets in order to know where you want to go.

Making good money may be one of your career goals, but it should not be the only goal. You also want to enjoy your work, contribute to society, and use any education that you acquire.

Make a Chart Make a three-column chart that lists Interests, Values, and Goals. Use this chart to brainstorm about different careers you might consider that match your interests, values, and goals. List at least three. Then make a list of the assets that you will need to have in order to be successful in each of the careers.

Standard and Poor’s publishes the globally recognized S&P 500® financial index and provides credit ratings. It also gathers financial statistics, information, and news, and analyzes this data to help individuals, companies, and governments make financial decisions. Go to to learn more about this company.

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