Physics: Principles and Problems

Chapter 30: Nuclear Physics

Web Links

The Particle Adventure Home Page
This page has an in-depth description of particles, plus it includes a QuickTime movie and various links to a variety of nuclear subjects. Start the Particle Adventure and describe the standard model of the atom.
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Radiocarbon Dating
This site has a detailed discussion of radiocarbon dating. How is this method used to date the age of materials in nature?
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Particle Accelerators Around the World
This site lists the particle accelerators throughout the world. Choose one of them and take a virtual tour of that accelerator.
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Chemicool Periodic Table
Check out this virtual periodic table. Click on any element for vital statistics and descriptions. What do you think is the purpose of the color coding on the table?
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Smoke Detectors and Americium
This paper posted on this site gives an explanation of how smoke detectors use radioactive elements. What are some possible health risks from the radiation from smoke detectors?
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Radioactive Tracers Technology
This is an online brochure designed by the Southwestern Research Institute to educate the public on how radioactive tracers are used. What are some of the most common uses?
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Positron Emission Tomography
Visit this page for an introduction and explanation of PET. What factors helped contribute to the development of this technology?
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Physics: Principles and Problems
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