Physics: Principles and Problems

Chapter 5: Forces in Two Dimensions

Web Links

Visit this interactive demonstration of the graphical addition of vectors. Confirm that the blue vector is the resultant of the addition of the green and red vectors. Vary the lengths and angle between the red and green vectors and see what happens to the blue vector.
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What Is a State Vector?
This NASA site shows how vectors are used to track spacecraft. Link back to "J-Track," a Java-based spacecraft and weather tracker and explain how NASA uses state vectors in this technology.
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Summary of Friction
Here you'll find a very nice summary of friction. Visit this site and use the interactive Java Applet to run friction simulations.
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Simulated Inclined Plane
This page features animation that shows a frictionless ball rolling down an inclined plane. Visit this site and vary the launch angle and launch velocities. How does air resistance affect the maximum range?
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All About GPS
This has a tutorial about how GPS technology works. How many satellites are used in GPS?
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Physics: Principles and Problems
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