The American Vision

Chapter 1: Converging Cultures, Prehistory to 1520

Converging Cultures, Prehistory to 1520

Which of the following does NOT describe why scientists believe that the earliest Americans migrated from Asia?
A)DNA testing of ancient bones found in North America suggests that their ethnic origins are Asian.
B)During the Ice Age, a land bridge connected Asia with what is today Alaska.
C)Arrowheads found in Folsom, New Mexico, proved that people were in North America at least 10,000 years ago.
D)Researchers believe that nomadic hunters following large game could have crossed Beringia into North America.
Cahokia, an ancient __________ city of pyramids and mounds, supported an estimated 16,000 people.
Which of the following describes the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands?
A)They depended exclusively upon agriculture for their livelihood.
B)They combined agriculture, hunting, and fishing to sustain their communities.
C)They originally practiced agriculture, but later they became migrant hunters.
D)Because of the lack of waterways in the Eastern Woodlands, they were primarily hunter-gatherers.
Why did Woodlands Native Americans practice slash-and-burn agriculture?
A)because the technique enriched the soil and increased crop yields
B)because they were unaware of effective farming techniques
C)because the technique cleared the forests
D)because they were trying to clear the farmland of pests and diseases
Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the empires of West Africa?
A)The empires profited from extensive trading.
B)The governments united in a league to provide mutual protection from invaders.
C)The governments collected surplus food grown on the rich farmlands to trade with other empires.
D)A king ruled over a collection of villages that prospered along the Zaire River.
Women in early Central and Southern African communities commonly enjoyed leadership roles in all of the following EXCEPT __________.
C)tribal posts
Which of the following increased western Europe’s demand for Eastern luxury goods?
A)Europe’s development of a money-based economy
B)the collapse of the Mongol empire in Asia
C)feudal Europe’s inability to produce luxury goods
D)the western European presence in the Middle East during the Crusades
Western Europeans studied __________ to construct the astrolabe—a navigational instrument for determining direction, latitude, and local time.
B)Arab texts
C)Chinese documents
D)new technologies
Why weren’t Viking explorers able to establish permanent colonies in the Americas?
A)They were unable to successfully cross the violent North Atlantic Ocean.
B)They lacked sufficient financial backing.
C)Native Americans opposed their attempts at colonization.
D)They did not have the navigational technology of the Renaissance period.
Impacts of the Columbian Exchange included all of the following EXCEPT __________.
A)Native Americans gaining new foods and weapons
B)Europeans gaining new foods such as corn, sweet potatoes, and squash
C)Europeans learning how to use potatoes to increase food production
D)Native Americans gaining medical technologies that helped them fight disease
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