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Action Potentials in the Sinoatrial (SA) Node (90.0K)

Action Potentials in Cardiac Muscle Cells (77.0K)

Transmission Across a Synapse (491.0K)

Postsynaptic Potentials (79.0K)

Chemical Synapse (481.0K)

Action Potentials and Muscle Contraction (605.0K)

How the Sodium-Potassium Pump Works (819.0K)

Sodium-Potassium Exchange Pump (1104.0K)

Voltage Gated Channels and the Action Potential (1276.0K)

Action Potential Propagation in an Unmyelinated Axon (366.0K)

Action Potential Propagation in Myelinated Neurons (73.0K)

Action Potential Propagation in Unmyelinated Neurons (75.0K)

Second Messengers: The cAMP and Ca++ Pathways (581.0K)

Nerve Impulse (1148.0K)

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