American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 18: State and Local Government

Multiple Choice Quiz

Which of the following statements is true about the Tenth Amendment?
A)It reserves for the states all of the powers and authority not enumerated to the federal government.
B)It enumerates the powers of the state governments.
C)It both enumerates the powers of the state governments and reserves for the states all of the powers and authority not enumerated to the federal government.
D)None of these answers is correct.
A system of government that allows citizens to vote on whether to approve or reject specific policies and programs is known as
A)representative democracy.
B)direct democracy.
D)direct representation.
Which of the following states was the first to adopt some aspects of direct democracy?
B)New York
C)South Dakota
The Progressive movement generally called for or focused on
A)changes in state and local government processes to expand the ability of citizens to have a voice in policy making.
B)requiring states to hold referendums on many public policy issues in order to guarantee citizen involvement.
C)restricting the open meeting aspect of public policy to make the political process more efficient.
D)None of these answers is correct.
All fifty states allow for the process of
B)popular referendum.
D)legislative referendum.
A procedure allowing citizens to remove an elected official before the end of the official's term is known as a(n)
Opponents of direct democracy measures such as referenda and initiatives argue that
A)such measures are instruments for special interests to push their agendas.
B)referenda and initiative ballots do not give citizens sufficient knowledge to understand complex policy issues.
C)the expense of launching a successful referendum or initiative campaign makes it impractical for average citizens.
D)All these answers are correct.
The majority of state constitutions differ from the U.S. Constitution in all the following ways EXCEPT
A)having the requirement of a balanced budget.
B)having provisions for the creation of local governments.
C)having provisions for public education.
D)having an enumeration of fundamental rights.
The constitutional document for local governments is called a
A government's ________ is its central policy making document.
D)mission statement
Which of the following statements is true?
A)Since the late 1970s, the federal government has exercised more power over domestic issues, leaving fewer issues for state and local governments to address.
B)Since the late 1970s, the federal government has ceded more power over domestic issues, leaving more issues for state and local governments to address.
C)Since the late 1970s, state governments and the federal government have worked out more explicit power-sharing policies on domestic issues.
D)Since the late 1970s, state governments and the federal government have competed more zealously with each other for the right to control policy on domestic issues.
Which of the following is true about states with a traditionalistic political culture?
A)They tend to have higher voter turnouts than other states.
B)They tend to have more provisions for direct democracy than other states.
C)They tend to focus on maintaining the status quo.
D)They tend to have higher levels of mass participation than other states.
Which of the following is NOT a demographic issue that significantly impacts a state's political culture?
A)the percentage of the population that does not speak English
B)the percentage of the population living below the poverty line
C)the percentage of children in the state's population
D)the percentage of lawyers in the population
Which of the following is true about the annual balanced budget mandate?
A)It applies to capital budgets.
B)It does not apply to capital budgets.
C)It applies to capital budgets in non-election years only.
D)Its application to capital budgets is not specified by most government foundational documents.
The majority of local government employees at any given point in time are dedicated to
A)law enforcement.
B)maintaining prisons.
C)providing elementary and secondary education.
D)maintaining local infrastructure.
In the 2005-2006 school year, ________ spent the most money per student on its public schools, and ________ spent the least.
A)New Jersey; Utah
B)California; Mississippi
C)Massachusetts; Montana
D)Alaska; New York
The primary source of local tax revenue is
A)income tax.
B)property tax.
C)sales tax.
D)excise tax.
Because the governments in the fifty states and local governments have unequal financial capacities to provide for their citizens,
A)they agree on the tax rates and formulas for taxation.
B)they compete to attract new companies based on differentiating tax rates.
C)they appeal to the federal government to equalize resources and capacity.
D)None of these answers is correct.
In its role as a fiscal equalizer, the federal government covered ________ percent of Mississippi's Medicaid budget, while only paying for ________ percent of that budget for several other states.
A)90; 10
B)82; 21
C)82; 38
D)76; 50
Which of the following is true about state governments?
A)They generally perform only constitutionally prescribed roles.
B)They perform by tradition various informal functions.
C)They are forbidden from performing any role unless it is constitutionally prescribed.
D)They only perform informal roles when the federal Constitution allows them to do so.
Acting as a laboratory for innovative and experimental public policies is
A)a function carried out by state governments as an informal but traditional role.
B)generally a function of only local government.
C)a function carried out by both state governments and the federal government, as defined by the Constitution.
D)None of these answers is correct.
Which of the following is true about the number of legislators in each state?
A)It varies based on the population of each state.
B)It remains fairly uniform, regardless of the population of each state.
C)Representatives in some states can have up to 100 times more constituents than representatives in other states.
D)It varies based on the year the state constitution was written.
Which of the following statements is true?
A)Overall, the percentage of women in state legislatures is significantly higher than the percentage of women in the U.S. Congress.
B)There tend to be more female legislators in states with moralistic political cultures.
C)There tend to be more female legislators in states with high numbers of highly-educated professional women.
D)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following is true about plural executives?
A)It is a government structure in which citizens elect more than two executive branch officials.
B)It is a government structure in which the state elects two chief executives.
C)It is a government structure in which the executive branch is part of the legislative branch and therefore plural in nature.
D)All these answers are correct.
A retention election is one in which the judge
A)has already been appointed and served a short term, and the public then votes on whether he or she will continue and serve a longer term.
B)has already been appointed and served a short term, and the state legislature then votes on whether he or she will continue and serve a longer term.
C)runs as part of a nonpartisan slate, and the public decides which members of the slate it wants to retain on the bench.
D)runs as part of a partisan slate, and the public decides which members of the slate it wants to retain on the bench.
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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