The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 11: Breakdown and Renewal in an Age of Plague




Black Death


Hanseatic League

Hundred Years' War

balance of power

Ottoman Empire
A)Great plague of the fourteenth century that spread throughout Europe and resulted in huge loss of human life.
B)The belief that no one state should be permitted a dominant role in international affairs, and that alliances among their neighbors ought to restrain ambitious rulers.
C)War between France and England fought in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Allegedly sparked by a dispute over French royal succession.
D)Powerful and much feared empire of the Ottoman Turks, whose holdings stretched across the Middle East and Europe; began as a small state in the fourteenth century but soon took over Asia Minor and surrounded Byzantine territory, resulting in the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
E)Period of severe food scarcity due to too much or too little rainfall.
F)Owners of significant country estates in England, forming a distinct social group immediately below the nobility.
G)Association of northern European trading cities that by the fourteenth century had imposed a monopoly over cities trading in the Baltic and North Seas.
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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