The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 14: Economic Expansion and a New Politics

Multiple Choice Quiz

All of the following are true of Europe's population growth between 1470 and 1620 EXCEPT
A)the overall population increased by approximately fifty percent.
B)cities grew faster than the overall population.
C)it made wheat five times more expensive.
D)it caused the decline of the wool trade as pastures became cropland.
E)high wheat prices sparked the first enclosures of land in England.
Europe's economic expansion was fueled by all of the following EXCEPT
A)increased demand because of the increased population.
B)government's stabilizing influence on the financial markets.
C)huge imports of silver from America.
D)an increasing focus on accumulation of capital for its own sake.
E)the emergence of new kinds of businesses.
Which of the following business concepts originated during this period?
A)the business firm as an entity independent of its owner
B)the payment of debts through notes rather than coin
C)the role of banks as repositories of savings and sources of loans
D)the taking of great risks in hopes of great gains and reinvesting profits
E)the idea of "survival of the fittest" in the marketplace
During the sixteenth century, all of the following followed from the commercial revolution EXCEPT
A)large numbers of peasants lost their land and became beggars.
B)destitute vagrants floated across the countryside and filled the towns.
C)private charity was rapidly mobilized and proved sufficient to solve the problem.
D)widespread poverty, crime, and disorder became chronic features of town and country life.
E)large landowners began to enclose their lands.
The most widely shared motivation behind the voyages of exploration and conquest was
A)the desire to spread Christianity.
B)to test new sailing technologies.
C)the desire to explore the unknown.
D)the hope of finding a lost Christian land.
E)the quest for control of new lands and riches.
The Portuguese empire was all of the following EXCEPT
A)based on carrying goods by sea around Africa between Europe and the civilizations of the Indian Ocean.
B)created and sustained by the superior fighting power of Portugal's cannon-armed ships.
C)made up of small enclaves along the coasts in Africa and the Indian Ocean basin.
D)the dominant colonial power in Brazil, Central America, and Mexico.
E)an attempt to find better agricultural opportunities for their inhospitable land.
The Spanish empire was all of the following EXCEPT
A)based on extracting wealth by slave labor from America and shipping it to Europe.
B)created and sustained by the Europeans' military superiority, ruthless ambition, and greater sophistication.
C)made up of extensive territories on both the North and South American continents.
D)established almost bloodlessly and maintained with minimal disruption of the Native Americans' lives.
E)responsible for the death of millions of natives.
The Europeans needed to bring black African slaves to America because
A)there were very few Native Americans to begin with.
B)Africans were more docile workers than the Native Americans.
C)the Europeans massacred most of the Native Americans when conquering them.
D)millions of Native Americans died from disease and mistreatment after they were conquered.
E)of a negotiated settlement with West African leaders.
Exploration and colonization brought all of the following benefits to Europe EXCEPT
A)the Portuguese got the profits from trade between Europe and the East that had gone mainly to Muslims.
B)the Spanish financed a century of predominance in Europe largely with American silver.
C)Europe enjoyed plentiful currency, which facilitated economic growth.
D)economic expansion alleviated the poverty of Europe's lower classes.
E)new agricultural products were transplanted to the European continent.
The "new monarchs" that were so successful in accumulating and centralizing power ruled over
A)Portugal, Spain, and England.
B)England, France, and Spain.
C)France, Spain, and Italy.
D)Spain, England, and Italy.
E)Italy, France, and England.
Henry VII
A)increased the authority of the royal Council.
B)removed a long-standing threat from England's north by inflicting a shattering defeat on an invading Scots army at Flodden.
C)ended the operation of the Star Court.
D)broke with the Catholic Church and began the Anglican Church.
E)increased the debt of the crown substantially.
At the end of the Hundred Years' War, the key to the French monarchy's power was its
A)control over tax rates.
B)standing army.
C)streamlined administration.
D)control over outlying provinces.
E)control over the Catholic Church within its borders.
Louis XI's most notable achievement was
A)the destruction of Burgundy.
B)the invasion of Italy.
C)getting control of major Church appointments.
D)curbing expenditures on the army.
E)the expulsion of England from French soil.
Which of the following Valois kings accomplished the most during his reign?
A)Charles VIII
B)Louis XII
C)Louis XI
D)Henri II
E)Francis I
Ferdinand and Isabella followed all of the following policies while uniting Spain EXCEPT
A)reducing the role of great nobles while recruiting the hidalgos, or lesser nobility, into their administration.
B)weakening Spain's bishops and abbots.
C)using viceroys to create a uniform administration in all parts of the realm.
D)persecuting Jews in order to gain popularity and authority.
E)marrying in order to unite Aragon and Castile.
Machiavelli's works were so radically original because he was the first to
A)question the validity of rule by monarchies.
B)make arguments for why certain leaders should be in power.
C)look at why power exists.
D)analyze how power works.
E)advocate that political power should rest with the people, not nobles and kings.
The main locus of power in the Holy Roman Empire was
A)the emperor's court.
B)the Imperial Diet.
C)the princes.
D)the imperial cities.
E)Vatican City.
The nobles of Hungary did all of the following EXCEPT
A)refuse to finance the monarchy's standing army.
B)impose serfdom on the peasants.
C)give up their German lands to gain Habsburg support.
D)support the Ottoman Empire.
E)control the Hungarian Diet.
The Italian wars highlighted
A)the effectiveness of balance-of-power diplomacy.
B)the weakness of city-states relative to national states.
C)the Italians' military as well as economic and cultural superiority.
D)the flaws in the republican governments of Venice and Florence.
E)the doomed democratic revolutionary forces on the European continent.
The essential innovation of Italian diplomacy was
A)the formal protocol of international relations.
B)political analysis.
C)the resident ambassador.
D)diplomatic immunities.
E)force of arms.
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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