The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 14: Economic Expansion and a New Politics

Problems for Analysis

I. Expansion at Home

What were some of the economic and social consequences of population increase?
What developments in prices, commerce, and industry evidenced economic growth? Why? What were the consequences of this for the quality of life of the different social classes?

II. Expansion Overseas

What motivated exploration and expansion?
Distinguish between the Portuguese and Spanish patterns of exploration and expansion. What part did the size of Spain and of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century political and military developments play in this difference?
What were the costs of European exploration and expansion? Who bore them? What were the benefits? Who gained them?

III. The Centralization of Political Power

What developments and policies characterized the "new monarchs" of Western Europe?
Compare any two "new monarchs," focusing on the developments that distinguished the two, despite their similarities.

IV. The Splintered States

Who became the holders of power in the Holy Roman Empire and much of Eastern Europe with the failure of central authority to grow? What were the consequences for the lower classes?

V. The New Statecraft

What distinguished diplomacy during the sixteenth century from that of previous times? Why did Italy play such an important role in this?
Machiavelli was an original observer of contemporary political events. What was so importantly new about his observations? In what ways did his observations reflect the events of his time?
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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