The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 28: The Nightmare: World War II






final solution

second front
A)The place where Russians fought ferociously, street by street, to halt the German advance in 1942; marked the turning point of the war on the Eastern front.
B)The policy by antiwar governments in Britain and France to placate Nazi Germany. Culminated in the Munich conference giving Germany control of Czechoslovakia in 1938; encouraged further German aggression.
C)Based on Nazi theories of racial inferiority, the systematic extermination of Jews in German-occupied Europe in massacres and death camps like Auschwitz from 1941 to 1945. Also known as the Holocaust or the Shoah.
D)"Lightning war"; German military tactic in which enemies were overrun with lightning speed using tanks and air power; led to the quick defeat of Poland in 1939 and France in 1940.
E)In World War II, the establishment of an Allied front in Western Europe to match the Russians battling the Nazis in the East; after several delays, the Allies launched the second front with the Normandy invasion in June 1944.
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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