The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 28: The Nightmare: World War II

Problems for Analysis

I. The Years of Axis Victory

Evaluate how effectively the democracies responded to the growth of authoritarianism and to such problems as the Ethiopian crisis, the Anschluss, and the Czech partition.
France was one of the dominant powers in Europe, yet it fell relatively quickly to the Germans in 1940. How do you explain this collapse?

II. The Global War, 1942-1945

Analyze the reasons for the turning of the tide against the Axis in 1942. What factors were weakening the Axis powers? What factors were strengthening the Allied powers?

III. Building on the Ruins

Compare the peace settlement after World War II with that after World War I. Do you think that the Allied leaders learned from history? Were the lessons valid?
How difficult was it to form the new economic and international organizations after the war? Why did the major powers want to form the United Nations, and how contentious was the process?
How did the politics of Western Europe develop immediately after the war? Did any one side of the political spectrum seem to dominate in the postwar atmosphere?
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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