The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 8: Restoration of an Ordered Society

Problems for Analysis

I. Economic and Social Changes

Why was feudalism effective in promoting social order in Europe during the eleventh and twelfth centuries? What was the cement that held feudal relations together?
What were the distinguishing features of manorialism? In what ways did the system meet the needs of the peasants and the needs of the lords? Who benefited most from it?
Explain the causes and significance of the population changes that occurred during the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
In what ways was there a revival of commerce and urban life during this period? Who benefited from this?

II. Governments of Europe

Compare the development of government in England, France, and Germany. In what ways was it the same? How was it different? How do you account for the similarities and differences?

III. The Reform of the Western Church

What conditions created a need for reform within the Western Church?
What roles did popes and Cluniac monasticism play in the reform of the Church? What was so "reforming" about their activities?

IV. The Crusades

What circumstances led to the First Crusade? What balance of religious, economic, and social motives do you think led people to participate in the crusades?
Considering the effort involved and the result, were the crusades a success or a failure? Why?
What were the most important consequences of the crusades? Is it fair to argue that the crusades proved to be of greater economic significance than religious significance for Europe? Why?
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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