The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 9: The Flowering of Medieval Civilization

Problems for Analysis

I. Cultural Developments

Compare the universities and student life around 1200 with those of today. What was so important about the development of universities at this early date?
Compare the ideas of Aquinas and Duns Scotus. How does the analysis of Duns Scotus signify a change from the synthesis of Aquinas?
Did religious concerns completely dominate cultural life during the eleventh and twelfth centuries? Support your argument.

II. The States of Europe

The Magna Carta is sometimes thought of as a democratic document. In light of the political developments in England during the thirteenth century, do you agree? Why?
Compare constitutional consolidation in France with the disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire. How do you explain the differences?

III. The Church

Does the growth of heresy, and its suppression, indicate that the Church was effectively unified at the beginning of the thirteenth century? Why?
Compare the factors that evidenced the growing strength of the Church with those that evidenced future problems for the Church.
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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