The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, 1st Edition (King)

Chapter 16: Health Psychology

Applied Multiple Choice questions

Viggo needs to take an extended leave of absence from work for personal reasons. The remaining employees are required to perform Viggo's duties, and Dewitt is the only one who understands how to do many of them. Though Dewitt's body is unable to maintain the alarmed state it entered when he learned of the additional work, he remains "stressed out" over the weeks that follow. He hopes Viggo will return before he becomes truly overwhelmed. Dewitt is in the _______________________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS).
Viggo needs to take an extended leave of absence from work for personal reasons. The remaining employees are required to perform Viggo's duties, and Dewitt is the only one who understands how to do many of them. Though Dewitt's body is unable to maintain the alarmed state it entered when he learned of the additional work, he remains "stressed out" over the weeks that follow. If the stressor of additional responsibility lasts too long, Dewitt could become sick and have trouble functioning himself. This is the _______________________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS).
Dakarai values winning about all else. He hates being passed on the highway, losing an account to another company, or being passed up for a promotion. He is impatient with the other members of his work team, and he's more likely to get into a shouting match than ask for help if something goes wrong. Dakarai is displaying a ____________________ behavior pattern.
A)Type A
B)Type B
Rafferty recently completed a fitness assessment, and his results were poorer than he expected. His weight is significantly higher than it should be, he has several unhealthy habits, and he is unable to lift weight comparable to others his age. Rafferty's physician suggests _________________ exercise, which will elevate his heart rate and increase his body's need for oxygen.
Allegra tries to lead a healthy life. She maintains a vegetarian diet, avoids fatty foods, and gets a flu shot every year. She tells others that her only vice is smoking. While she knows that she should quit, she believes that her otherwise healthy lifestyle will offset the effects of tobacco. Is she right?
A)Yes. Studies show that the negative effects of smoking can be offset by other healthy practices, as long as the healthy practices are consistent.
B)Yes, but only until one reaches the age of 50; then tobacco affects everyone the same way, regardless of other lifestyle practices.
C)No. A vegetarian diet will actually increase the effects of tobacco on the body.
D)No. Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable death, and the only way to offset the negative effects of smoking is to quit.
At 65, Terry is diagnosed with cancer. Because the idea of cancer terrifies him, he refuses to believe that he has a sickness and does not get any treatments. When his physician informs him that his case has become terminal because he did not act, Terry tells his friends that his doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. Terry is
A)using problem-focused coping.
B)relying primarily on social support.
C)using emotion-focused coping.
D)displaying hardiness.
Catherine has wanted to lose weight for several years, and a magazine article on the dangers of obesity made her decide to finally take action. Today she went to the market and bought healthy foods, then made herself her favorite high-fat dinner and dessert, knowing she would need to eat these kinds of foods in moderation in the future. According to the transtheoretical model of change, Catherine is in the ____________ stage.
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