The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, 1st Edition (King)

Chapter 4: Human Development

Applied Multiple Choice questions

Interested in learning how intelligence quotient affects a woman's marital prospects, researchers gave intelligence tests to a sample of 11-year-old girls, then retested them and asked about relationship status several times over the next 40 years. This type of study has a _______________ design.
Interested in learning how financial standing affects a man's marital prospects, researchers compared five groups of men, each group ten years older than the previous. This is called a ______________ design.
Zofia's dermatologist has recommended a drug called Accutane for her acne. Accutane has potentially serious detrimental effects on a fetus, so Zofia is required to have a pregnancy test both before she begins treatment and every month that she takes the medication. In this situation, Accutane would act as a/an ________________ on an unborn child.
At seven months Xiang can sit up by herself, at nine months she can stand with an adult's support, at 13 months she can stand alone, and at 15 months she can walk alone. The process that allows Xiang's motor skills to develop at the same rate as other children's is called
A)the proximodistal principle.
B)the cephalocaudal principle.
Ryan's family has a beagle, so when he sees any small four-legged furry creature, he says "doggie." The pattern of thought that provides Ryan with a concept with which to compare his understanding of "doggie" is called
A)a schema.
D)object permanence.
Eliska is 9 months old. One of her favorite games is peek-a-boo, and recently she has begun to pry at her mother's fingers when Mother covers her face. Eliska has developed _______________, the understanding that Mother is still behind her hands even when Eliska can't see her.
A)sensory operations
B)concrete operations
D)object permanence
Twelve-year-old Cedrick's English teacher often chooses spelling words that can be rearranged to make new words. Cedrick enjoys the challenge of anagrams and puzzles, and because he has always enjoyed science fiction comic books, he has recently begun making up his own stories. Cedrick is in Piaget's
A)sensorimotor stage.
B)preoperational stage.
C)concrete operational stage.
D)formal operational stage.
Georgina has a double stroller for her 11-month-old fraternal twins. She has noticed that when someone stops to admire the children, Jonah smiles and laughs if the stranger talks to him, while Irene is more likely to look up at her mother with an uncertain expression. If the stranger talks to Irene, she ducks her head and sometimes even covers her eyes with her hands. Since Georgina has treated both of her children the same way, she knows that Jonah and Irene have different
A)information processing speeds.
B)habituation criteria.
D)information-search strategies.
Because Christel's father didn't like how strict his parents were when he was growing up, he gives his daughter everything she wants. He is proud of how well he and his daughter get along, even if other people tell him sometimes that she seems spoiled. Christel's father has a/an ________________ parenting style.
Fiona's parents expect her to get good grades and get along with her siblings, and when she breaks the rules she has to go into time out. When she has trouble with homework, her parents help her understand the concepts but still expect her to do the work. She has to be ready for bed at a certain time, and arguing about bedtime doesn't work. Her parents always give her hugs and tell her they love her before she goes to bed. Fiona's parents have a/an _____________ parenting style.
At age 42, Obediah is realizing that he may not reach all the goals he set when he was a younger man. He probably will never be rich or famous, and his relationships with his children and wife are not always as smooth as he would like them to be. In an effort to deny that he will have to let some dreams go and accept the life he has built for himself, he begins spending time with men who are half his age and squandering money as if he does not have a family to help support. Annoyed, his wife tells their friends that Obediah is going through a/an
A)growth stage.
B)decline stage.
C)midlife crisis.
D)postconventional crisis.
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