Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, Fifth Edition (Silberberg)


NASTA compliant
For use in Advanced Placement or honors courses

Martin Silberberg

Unique student pedagogy

General Chemistry contains unprecedented macroscopic to microscopic molecular illustrations, consistent step-by-step worked exercises in every chapter, and an extensive range of end-of-chapter problems which provide engaging applications covering a wide variety of interests.

A ground-breaking art program combines photographs of chemical events with a coordinated molecular view of that event and with the equation that symbolically and quantitatively describes that event. He is an author who thinks visually and this shows in his work.


  • New molecular end-of-chapter problems, including molecular art! These problems and drawings enable students to gain a better understanding of the three-dimensionality of molecules and the details of chemical reactions.
  • Many completely new comprehensive problems have been added to this 5th edition, which follow the main end-of-chapter problems. Presenting a variety of problems with a varying degree of background information will teach students to think critically by implementing the Plan, Solve, Check, and Practice strategy rather than relying on rote memorization.
  • Interdisciplinary science boxes appear throughout the book to show how chemistry is related to other sciences. Nearly all biochemical topics occur within this feature as do essays on specific topics in geology, industrial technology, environmental issues, and so forth.

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