Computer Concepts in Action

Unit 5: Spreadsheets

Company Networks

If you purchase computers for a business, the company's network might influence your decision. Learn more about business networks.

Read the information below and apply what you learn to answer the questions. Check your work carefully, and click Submit.

Company Networks
When a business or other kind of organization makes a decision to get a computer system or network, there are many decisions to make. These usually include whether to buy or lease, the type of the network, the hardware and software, and how best to pay for this very important business tool. There are important differences between buying and leasing (or renting) computer networks.

Large up-front money -Most of the costs are up-front. Small up-front money -Payments are spread over time, but there will always be payments.
Expensive to upgrade -Some companies may choose not to stay as current as others. Upgrading is easy -Upgrades are often part of the leasing contract.
You own the equipment.The leasing company owns the computers that make up your network.
Long-term equipment costs are less-expensive.Long-term equipment costs are more expensive.
Repair and virus protection is your job.Repair and virus protection is the leasing company's job.

Working on a Network
The users who access a network (students, employees, employers, customers, etc.) are referred to as clients. Clients can access the network through dumb terminals (an output-only computer with no input drives), common desktop or laptop terminals, or microcomputers such as PDA's.

Benefits of a network are many. Networks provide efficient internal communications systems like e-mail systems, better flow of information between employees, and shared software.

Networks also have drawbacks. If one user opens an e-mail infected with a virus, the entire network is at risk. Also, if a network administrator needs to perform maintenance, users, for a time, may not have access to important files or documents.

What are the two financial options available to businesses that want to set up a computer network?
Who owns the computer equipment when a company uses a leasing company?
In terms of a computer network, what is a client?
What are two drawbacks to networks?
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