Marketing Essentials

Section 1: Entrepreneurship

After You Read Online Action

Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts

  1. Entrepreneurs organize, manage, and assume the risk of owning and operating a business. Employees work for owners.
  2. Lists will vary but may include: determined, self-motivated, self-confident, organized, having leadership ability, self-disciplined, willing to work hard, willing to take risks, and having good social skills.
  3. Answers may include: they employ 60 percent of the labor force and produce 50 percent of the GDP.
  4. Integrating Academic Skills

  5. There will be 57 start-ups per week. Half of those, or 1,500, will still be open after four years,
  6. The prefix en means to start, from the French entreprendre meaning to undertake. Enterprise is an undertaking. The reports will differ but should draw connections between the history and meanings of the words entrepreneur and enterprise.
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