Marketing Essentials

Chapter 11: Management Skills

Practice Quizzes

What are the levels of management in a vertical organization?
A)Top management
B)Middle Management
C)Supervisory-level management
D)All of the above
A characteristic of horizontal organizations is
A)Self-managing teams
B)A strong middle management
C)A strong chain of command
D)None of the above
A mission statement is
A)A business plan
B)A marketing plan
C)a description of a company’s goals
D)A performance evaluation
What is remedial action?
A)An exit interview
B)A way to encourage appropriate workplace behavior
C)A way to assess an employee’s performance
D)An orientation meeting
Examples of effective management techniques are
A)Giving clear directions
B)Being consistent and be firm if necessary
C)treating employees fairly and setting a good example
D)All of the above
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