Marketing Essentials

Section 2: Cash Registers

Answers to Practices

Practice 3 Answers
  1. One penny, a nickel, three quarters, two $1 bills (or a $2 dollar bill), a $5 bill, and a $20 bill.
  2. Ask if the customer has $.09 in change or a dime.
  3. By disregarding the exact change provided, the cashier is less likely to get confused. Disregard the $.25 and simply say, "That's $21 out of $30; twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five (counting back four $1 bills, one at a time), and $30 (giving back $5)."
  4. "That's $3.55 out of $10.75; $.65, $.75 (handing back two dimes)," then say, "That's leaves $3 out of $10; $4, $5 (handing back two $1 bills), and $10 (handing back a$5 bill)." By tendering the $.75, the customer reduces the amount of small change to be returned to him or her.
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