Marketing Essentials

Section 2: Media Measurement and Rates

After You Read Online Action

Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts

  1. Cost per thousand (CPM) is the media cost of exposing 1,000 readers or viewers to an advertising impression.
  2. Radio and TV rates are based on the time of day the advertisement is aired.
  3. Four common promotional budgeting methods are percentage of anticipated sales, all you can afford, following the competition, and objective and task.
  4. Integrating Academic Skills

  5. $20.59; ($35,000 X 1,000) divided by 1,700,000 = $20.59
  6. Answers will vary. However, students could cite laws related to labeling, online advertising, billboard advertising, prohibitions on some forms or types of advertising (such as tobacco, nearness to schools, etc.).
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