Marketing Essentials

Chapter 20: Print Advertisements

Chapter Summaries

Section 20.1

  • An advertising campaign coordinates a series of ads around a theme.
  • Ad agencies specialize in developing ad campaigns and crafting ads for clients.
  • Print advertisements usually contain four key elements: headline, copy, illustrations, and signature. Some advertisements also include the company's slogan, which is often presented with or near the signature. Each of the four key elements enhances the overall theme of a product promotion.

Section 20.2

  • Businesses need to follow ad layout principles when developing print advertisements. Some basic principles are that the ad should grab attention through size, humor, or dramatic content. The best ads have a focal point and lines of force that guide the viewer to the copy through photographs and illustrations.
  • Some advantages of using color in ads are increased readership of ad copy and cost-effectiveness. One disadvantage is the increased cost.
  • Typefaces and sizes can add a distinctive look that is appropriate for the business and the target audience. Sans serif typefaces are easier to read. Ads can gain variety and emphasis by using different sizes of typefaces, italics, boldface, and combinations of capital and lowercase letters.

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