Marketing Essentials

Chapter 29: Conducting Marketing Research

Practice Quizzes

What is secondary data?
A)Data that is collected after primary data has been collected and analyzed
B)Data collected for some purpose other than the specific, main study
C)It is the most expensive and difficult data to collect in marketing research
D)The second step in marketing research when data is actually analyzed
How is secondary data obtained?
A)Through internal and external sources
B)Through the Internet and trade publications
C)Through the U.S. and state government sources and specialized research companies
D)All of the above
What is a sample?
A)A sample of a product distributed during marketing research
B)A part of the target population that is representative
C)One market research interview
D)One attempt at interpreting the research data
An example of an open-ended question is
A)How would you change this test?
B)Do you like chocolate?
C)When you have a choice of entrees for dinner, which do you prefer?
  1. Hamburger
  2. Chicken
  3. A salad
  4. Other
D)On a scale of 1 to 3 how would rate your breakfast this morning?
  1. Excellent
  2. Ok
  3. Terrible
What is reliability?
A)The same thing as validity
B)When a research technique produces identical results in repeated trials
C)When questions measured what needed to be measured
D)When all the survey questions are answered
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