
Chapter 15: Extemporaneous and Impromtu Speaking

Activity Lesson Plan

Students have read about the differences between impromptu and extemporaneous speeches and effective techniques to successfully deliver both types of speeches.

Lesson Description
Students will read vocabulary words pertaining to extemporaneous and impromptu speeches and match them to their definitions.

Instructional Objectives
Students will reinforce their knowledge of vocabulary words pertaining to impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. fiasco— a complete failure
  2. impromptu— having little or no preparation
  3. zinger— powerful concluding statement
  4. extemporaneous— prepared in advance
  5. label— descriptive or identifying word or phrase
  6. foreshadowing— giving a hint or suggestion beforehand
  7. justification— the act of proving to be just, right, or reasonable
  8. insinuated— implied in a subtle way


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