Digital Communication Tools

Chapter 14: Plan Your Career

Additional Activities

The Influence of Decisions on History


Write narratives in which you consider possible alternative outcomes to historical events and decisions.


Desktop computer or Tablet PC with Microsoft Word installed


  1. As a class, discuss the concept of alternate history. Imagine how the world might have changed if certain historical events had turned out differently.
  2. Choose one historical event to explore. If possible, select an event from the history curriculum that you have recently studied. The best choice will be an event in which an individual's decision played a critical role. If necessary, do additional research to understand the series of consequences that resulted from this historical event.
  3. Generate a list of these consequences. For example, the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 led to the secession of the Southern states, which led to the Civil War. The victory of the North in the Civil War in turn led to the end of slavery. It also had economic consequences for both the North and the South, changed the nature of the U.S. westward expansion, and influenced many other features of American life.
  4. Write an alternate history narrative based on the historical event you have chosen. Choose a character and tell the story from that character's point of view.
  5. Narratives can be set at any time from the historical turning point to the present, or even the future. Focus on a small episode or series of events in the life of the character. The events in the narrative might take place over the time span of a single day, or several days or weeks. The object is to explore how one decision or event could have several possible outcomes.
  6. Share your narratives in a class reading, or post the results on a student-accessible site. Discuss the results. Did you imagine similar outcomes? How can imagining the consequences of these decisions improve your own decision-making abilities?


If you prefer, write an essay that explores possible outcomes of the historical decision or event and then use your Tablet PC to create an alternate historical timeline. Present your alternate outcomes as a history lecture, complete with a PowerPoint presentation.

The Influence of Personal Decisions on Your Future


Write a narrative in which you consider possible outcomes to personal decisions.


Desktop computer or Tablet PC with Microsoft Word installed


  1. Review the list of decisions you created in Lesson 14.4 and choose one decision from the list. Select a decision that could have significant consequences.
  2. Review the three options you listed for this decision.
  3. Think in depth about the possible consequences of pursuing each option. Then write an alternate future narrative for each option.
  4. To limit the scope of the assignment, choose a single episode or event that could happen in the future, and imagine how that event might be colored by choosing each option. The events in your narrative might take place within a single day, or over several days or weeks. The object is to explore how decisions you make today may determine your future choices.
  5. Share your narratives in a class reading, or post the results on a student-accessible site. Discuss the results with your class.


If you prefer, write an essay that explores the possible outcomes of pursuing the options and decisions you have identified. You may also use a Tablet PC to illustrate the possible outcomes using graphics, tables, or timelines.
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