Digital Communication Tools

Chapter 6: Speech Recognition Tools

Additional Activities

Current Events


Read and create a short written report about an article on a current event. Use the internet to find an article that piques your interest.


Computer with speech recognition ability
Headset with microphone


  1. Browse the Internet for current events articles.
  2. Select an article that interests you.
  3. Use speech recognition software to write a short summary of the article and discussion questions that go along with the article.
  4. Present the summary to the class.
  5. Lead a discussion using the discussion questions.


Use handheld computers to find current events articles. Programs such as Avantgo or Internet Explorer allow you to download Web pages while synchronizing.

Historical Obituary


Write an obituary for an important historical figure. Research information on the life of the figure to include in the obituary.


Computer with speech recognition ability
Headset with microphone


  1. This lesson can be used with any time in history. Select specific individuals that influenced the time in history that you are studying.
  2. Look at examples of obituaries. What information does the obituary include? How is the obituary written?
  3. Select a historical figure of interest to you.
  4. Research information about the person. Use several sources, such as books, articles, Web sites, or encyclopedia entries.
  5. Write the obituary using speech recognition program.
  6. Revise your work, adding details and making changes when necessary.
  7. Beam your finished product to your teacher.


Load the obituaries onto your handheld computer. Then beam the obituaries to other students in class without the historical figure's name. Other students can try to guess the historical figure.
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