Marketing Series: Hospitality & Tourism

Chapter 13: Promoting Hospitality & Tourism

Pop Quizzes

Promotion is any form of communication used to _____.
A)improve the image of the company
B)overcome customer objections
C)persuade people to buy products
D)none of the above
Which is not an element in the promotional mix?
A)pricing strategies
C)sales promotion
D)public relations
The two main categories of advertising are _____.
A)promotional and institutional
B)public and private
C)personal and nonpersonal
D)none of the above
Newspapers and direct mail are examples of _____.
A)broadcast media
B)print media
C)speciality media
D)online media
Where would you find an infomercial?
A)in a newspaper
B)on the television
C)on the radio
D)on the Internet
The AIDA model is used by marketers to _____.
A)design ads
B)create advertising budgets
C)create an effective advertising message
D)communicate via the Internet
Examples of ways to execute an advertising message include _____.
A)testimonial evidence and slice of life
B)rational and emotional
C)slice of life and the competitive-parity method
D)none of the above
In a large corporation, a press release is written in which department?
B)public relations
D)the office of the president
The spin zone refers to _____.
A)the path a product takes from the producer to the consumer
B)the path a tourist takes to a travel destination
C)the public relations job of putting a positive slant on a negative situation
D)none of the above
Sweepstakes, sales events, and coupons are all examples of _____.
A)advertising strategies
B)public relations events
C)sales promotions
D)methods of personal selling
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