Marketing Series: Hospitality & Tourism

Chapter 8: The Marketing Environment

Pop Quizzes

Market research, product promotion, and product distribution are all steps in _____.
A)the promotional mix
B)the marketing process
C)an environmental analysis
D)defining a mission
What are the four basic elements of the marketing mix?
A)executive summary, situation analysis, marketing strategies, and evaluation and control
B)demographic, psychographics, behavioristics, and politics
C)product, price, place, and promotion
D)coupons, ads, direct mail, and broadcasting
The idea that an organization needs to satisfy its customers while trying to reach its goals is known as the _____.
A)marketing mix
B)marketing concept
D)none of the above
What is meant by utility?
A)being practical
B)a business's purpose, or goal
C)the concept of conveying the value of products through placement, adequate information, and easy exchange
D)the idea that an organization needs to satisfy its customers while trying to reach its goals
What is the purpose of a marketing plan?
A)to define the business's purpose, or goal
B)to provide direction for the marketing activities of a company for a limited time
C)to identify an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
D)none of the above
In an environmental analysis, increased competition would be an example of (n) _____.
A)internal factor affecting the marketing environment
B)external factor affecting the marketing environment
An organization's objectives should be _____.
A)short and few in number
B)clear and specific
C)clear and unreasonable
D)all of the above
How do economic conditions affect the marketing of travel and tourism products?
A)They determine how safe it is for people to travel.
B)They help marketers understand the patterns of behavior of groups of people.
C)They determine how much money people are willing to spend on travel and tourism.
D)none of the above
The process of getting the product to the consumer is called _____.
C)destination marketing
Product decisions include _____.
A)naming and deciding how to package a product
B)naming and determining the price of a product
C)determining price and selecting advertising media
D)deciding how to package and where to place a product
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