Glencoe Keyboarding with Computer Applications

Unit 6: Desktop Publishing

Science Connection: Lesson 120

SCIENCE CONNECTION: Create a Newsletter

Learn about how you can help protect the environment, then create a one-page newsletter about an environmental group or issue.

Read the information below and apply what you learn to answer the questions. Key your answers into the spaces below.

Use your answers and the information you find by visiting the sites below to create a one-page newsletter, as described on page 433 of your textbook.

Evaluate Environmental Issues
There are many ways we can help our environment. We can protect our wilderness areas, save species that are becoming extinct, eliminate pollutants, recycle, and conserve natural resources. Obviously, these are complicated and difficult issues and points of view to consider, but a number of groups are working hard to preserve our world.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( The EPA is a government agency that was formed in 1970 to develop and enforce environmental regulations, promote environmental education, and conduct research on a variety of environmental issues. Its Web site provides information about many environmental programs, and has information created specifically for students and teachers.

U.S Fish & Wildlife Service ( The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is the federal agency responsible for conserving the the nation's natural resources, especially its wildlife. Here you can find the latest information about endangered species, preservation and conservation tips, and other environmental resources, including local groups.

4-H Clubs ( 4H Clubs are local groups that emphasize many social and environmental issues. Members are generally between ages 9–19, and from all 50 states and U.S. provinces. You can find a link to your own local 4H group to see the environmental projects they offer.

Earth 911 ( Earth 911 is one of several online sites dedicated to raising awareness about global and local environmental issues. These types of organizations provide tips and resources on a variety of earth-friendly topics.

Find Information on a Web Site If any of the links above are inactive, or if you need to find out more about this topic, get your teacher's permission to use a search engine. Here are some keywords you might use: environment, conservation, recycling, natural resources.

Activity Questions

Which of the organizations above would you like to know more about and why? If none of these organizations interest you, use a search engine to find other environmental organizations.
On the organization's Web site, find contact information, including an address for sending letters. If you cannot find an address on the home page, see if there is a link to a "Contact Us" page.
What issue does this group address that you would like to know more about? Explore the organization's Web site to find one specific issue that is important to you. For example, the Audubon site has information about everything from saving the Everglade wetlands to Project Puffin. Choose one area that you can address in your newsletter.
On the organization's Web site, find five important points about the issue you describe in Question 3. Choose information or facts that will educate individuals about how they can be involved or help with this issue.
Write down the page URLs or links on the organization's Web site that will take you to either 1) graphics you can use for your newsletter or 2) information that you can use to create a chart or table.
If you click links to get to a particular page, write down the path that got you to the page, or just note the URL address of the page. For example, to get to the Project Puffin page on the Audubon site, you can enter the URL in the address box. Or you can write down the link path: Audubon>Birds and Science>Bird Conservation>Project Puffin.
Use this page to create or copy a graphic to use in your newsletter. Remember to cite your source.
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