Earth Science Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

Chapter 16: The Marine Environment

Standardized Test Practice-English

Which is NOT a method of building coastal landforms above sea level?
A)longshore transportation of sediments at high tide
B)upwelling of sediments
C)wind-shaping dunes from sediments exposed at low tide
D)storms moving sediments above the high-tide mark
What is the purpose of a breakwater?
A)protect a harbor
B)protect the beach from storm waves
C)interrupt the natural longshore transport of sand
D)provide anchorage for small boats
How much lower was sea level 10,000 years ago?
A)20 m
B)130 m
C)500 m
D)100 m
Why is water in an estuary commonly brackish?
A)It is moved with the longshore current.
B)It is a nursery for fish.
C)It's a mixture of freshwater and salt water.
D)Its chemistry is affected by sea grasses.
A groin is used to __________.
A)interrupt the natural longshore transport of sand
B)protect a harbor
C)protect the beach from storm waves
D)provide anchorage for small boats
What is a narrow bank of sand that projects into the ocean called?
A)a spit
B)a barrier island
C)a bay mouth bar
D)a lagoon
What is at each end of a tombolo?
A)the mainland and an island
B)an island and a bay mouth bar
C)a spit and the mainland
D)a peninsula and a barrier island
What is causing relative sea level to drop along the West Coast of the United States?
A)regional cooling
B)tectonic forces
C)global warming
D)the melting of polar ice
Water movement parallel to shore is called __________.
B)rip current
C)longshore current
D)longshore bar
What determines the size of sediment particles on a beach?
A)tidal range
B)width of dune
C)wave energy
D)amount of sediment
According to the map, what can be said about the coastline over the past 20,000 years?
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A)It has remained the same.
B)It has receded.
C)It has expanded.
D)it has definitely fluctuated
What is a barrier island?
A)a narrow ridge of sand that connects the mainland and an island
B)a narrow bank of sand that projects into the ocean
C)a long ridge of sand that is separate from the mainland
D)a narrow bank of sand that crosses a bay
How are fjords formed?
A)global cooling
B)sea level rise
C)tectonic forces
D)longshore current
How are submarine canyons formed?
A)turbidity currents
D)longshore current
What breaks mid-ocean ridges into smaller sections?
A)fracture zones
B)submarine canyons
C)shelf breaks
D)abyssal plains
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