Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 5: Physical Activity

Student Web Activities - Teacher Center

Lesson 1


1. Three skills that basketball players need to learn include:

  1. Dribbling
  2. Passing
  3. Shooting
  4. Jumping

2. The key to becoming a successful figure skater is balance.

3. Walking:

  1. is a good way to get places
  2. doesn't cost any money
  3. can be done anywhere anytime
  4. doesn't require any equipment
  5. doesn't require any special training
  6. is a great way to relax and refresh your body
  7. can be done alone or with friends and family
  8. works many parts of the body including the upper and lower legs, abs, arms, knees and ankles.

4. The physical postures in yoga are known as “asanas,” and the breathing exercises are called “pranayama.” Both are designed to bring the body and mind together, increase fitness and concentration, and reduce stress.

Additional Resources for Teachers

There are literally dozens of physical activities teens can choose to explore. Below are some additional Web sites that may help encourage them to get involved. Try asking individual students to talk about the sports they enjoy, or having each student research a new sport.

  1. Why Exercise is Cool: http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/fit/work_it_out.html
  2. Carnegie Library – Sports for Teens: http://www.carnegielibrary.org/teens/fun/sports.html
  3. Kids Plus – Sports: http://www.jfpl.org/KidsPlus/teens.html#Sports

Lesson 3


  1. Dehydration means your body is losing more fluids than it takes in.
  2. When temperatures are high, tiny blood vessels in your skin open up, allowing blood to carry heat away from the muscles and get closer to the skin. Then water rises to the surface of the skin as sweat. The sweat evaporates, which cools the skin, which cools the blood, which cools the body down.
  3. You should drink water before, during, and after physical activity .
  4. Sports drinks are high in sugars, salt, and potassium, and your body does not need these when you are not working hard.

Additional Resources for Teachers

Below are additional Web sites that explore the health benefits of water:

  1. NRDC - Bottled or Tap which is safer: http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/qbw.asp
  2. State of Utah : http://ag.utah.gov/regsvcs/bottled_h2o.html
  3. Label Examples: http://keepsakecandy.com/waterbottlelabels.htm
  4. Label Examples: http://www.customcandybarwrapper.com/labels.htm
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