Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 5: Physical Activity

Student Web Activities - Lesson 1 - Get Moving


Staying physically active is one of the best ways to look and feel your best. But not everyone likes the same kinds of activities. Some people prefer team sports, while others like to exercise alone. Some enjoy fast-paced contact sports, while others like slower, more leisurely challenges. On the Web site below you will have a chance to select a physical activity you think is right for you. Then you will test your choice by trying that activity for one month.

Link to explore: BAM Physical Activity


  • Start at the “BAM Physical Activity” Web site.
  • Scroll down and click on the link “Go for Activities You Like to Do!!” Take the short quiz to see which physical activities are right for you. When you are done, return to the BAM Physical Activity homepage.
  • Next, click on the “Activity Cards” link in the left hand column. Read the “Basketball,” “Figure Skating,” “Walking,” and “Yoga” cards, and answer the questions below.
  • Finally, select one physical activity to do for one month. Keep a journal in which you compare how you feel on the days you exercise to how you feel on the days you do not.


Name three skills that basketball players need to learn.
What is the key to becoming a successful figure skater?
Give three reasons why walking is a good physical activity to try.
What are the physical postures and breathing exercises in yoga called and what are they designed to do?
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