Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 11: Preventing Diseases

Student Web Activities - Lesson 4 - Keeping Your Heart Healthy


Taking care of your heart is vital to staying healthy. A strong heart ensures that your body gets the oxygen-rich blood it needs to run smoothly. On the Web site below, you will learn about three ways to keep your heart healthy, and what can happen if you do not take care of your heart.

Link to explore: A Prescription for Living – Healthy Heart:


  • Start at the "Healthy Heart" Web site.
  • Click on each of the links below the heart – exercise, diet, clean, and heart disease – and read the information in each section. Take notes as you read.
  • When you finish reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information you learned on the web site, create a heart health questionnaire that will help other teens figure out if they are at risk for heart problems.


List several important ideas to keep in mind when starting an exercise program for your heart?
List three ways people can modify their everyday routines to get more exercise and give their hearts a workout.
Why are smoking and taking drugs so bad for the heart?
Give some examples of heart disease that can develop if a person does not take care of his or her heart.
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