Exploring Our World: Eastern Hemisphere People, Places, and Cultures © 2010 Indiana Edition

Chapter 5: History and Cultures of Europe

Student Web Activity

"Ancient Rome"

In this chapter, you have learned about the history and cultures of Europe. More than 2,000 years ago, Ancient Greece and Rome laid the foundations of European civilization. The Romans developed the ideas of a republic and a system of justice that still influence governments today. In fact, the founders of the United States used these ideas as a basis for the U.S. Constitution. Eventually, the Roman Republic’s system of democracy was replaced by all-powerful emperors who were sometimes brutal or incompetent rulers. Learn more about Ancient Rome by exploring this Web site.

Destination Title: The Roman Empire

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Click on the link above and answer the following questions:

What percentage of the world’s population lived under Roman law in the first century A.D.?
Who was at the top of Rome’s social order?
How long would an emperor remain in power? How could he be removed from power?
How did the Roman Empire help the spread of foreign religions such as Christianity and Judaism?
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