Computer Concepts in Action ©2009

Unit 1: Technology in Your Life

History of Computers

Learn about the history of computers.

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History of Computers
"Who invented the computer?" is not a simple question. The computer is a complex piece of machinery made possible by contributions throughout history.

1200 A.D.

The Chinese used the abacus, a hand-held wooden device with rows of beads, to add, subtract, divide, and multiply.


Charles Babbage invented his Analytical Engine in 1834, a large device that used memory, programming, and stored data by way of punched cards to calculate numbers.


Expanding on many of Babbage's concepts, Herman Hollerith founded International Business Machines ( IBM ) in 1924.


A wave of research produced an electronic computer that could store data digitally as 0s and 1s, a vast improvement over mechanical machines that operated on gears.


Second-generation computers operated via transistors, which were much smaller and energy efficient than vacuum tubes.


ASCII was established as the first standard industry computer language.


The integrated circuit became the standard computer technology, using many transistors and electronic circuits on a single semi-conducting chip. This led to smaller, faster, and more powerful computers, as well as the first network and initial Internet concepts. In 1965, Lawrence Roberts of MIT connected a computer in Massachusetts to a computer in California using a dial-up telephone connection.

1970s – present

The modern era of the microprocessor – a phenomenal breakthrough first used in the Apple II and Commodore personal computers. Further advancements on the microprocessor (CPU) and the Internet have brought about a world powered and connected by computer technology.

The Future

Three areas of new technology are artificial intelligence (machines that imitate human thinking and behavior), nanotechnology (cell-sized computer processors), and membrane technology (data processed within organic, living tissue cells).

Destination Site:

Note: If this link is inactive or to find other Internet sites with similar information, use a search engine. Here are some keywords you might use: history of technology, computers, technology timeline.

Assessment Questions

What simple device did the Chinese use in the twelfth century to perform mathematic calculations?
What was the first standard industry computer language?
What was the technology that incorporated many transistors and electronic circuits on a single chip?
What are two important upcoming technologies?
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