Families Today

Chapter 10: Solve Problems in Your Life

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 10.1 Decision Making

Review Key Concepts
  1. If there are no options, you cannot make a choice. Having lots of options increases the chances of making a good decision.
  2. They waste time that could be used to make choices or solve problems. Nothing is happening when a person procrastinates or is in denial.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary but could include: the person who is wrong may refuse to change his or her mind. This may cause the person to have to live with negative results of a wrong choice.
  2. Students should list the steps in the decision-making process (identify the problem, list options, evaluate options, choose the best option, carry out the solution, evaluate the results). Tips will vary but should relate to the step it is linked to.

Section 10.2 Manage and Take Action

Review Key Concepts
  1. Goals help you accomplish tasks, channel the direction of your life, solve problems.
  2. Personal standards are the guideposts to use in deciding whether or not an action is ethical. They can also be used to evaluate actions already taken to see if they were ethical.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary but students should include a short-term goal and the resources they would use to meet the goal. Their answers may include human, material, and community resources.
  2. Money is a useful resource. Resourceful people can often find ways to reach goals when money is scarce.
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