Families Today

Chapter 18: Development Lasts a Lifetime

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 18.1 Your Development

Development is the process of growth and change. It occurs in several areas. Physical development is dramatic in th e teen years. Body image can be an issue if teens look to unrealistic role models. Teens can show mental growth in school. They also find it in other talents. They develop an effective learning style. This can be auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. Teens build relationships as they develop socially. They learn acceptable behaviors, called moral growth. This also means they consider the effects of actions upon others. They learn that all development is interrelated.

Section 18.2 Life-Span Development

Growth and change occur throughout a person's life. This is called life-span development. Social scientists look at life as a series of stages. Each stage has life tasks to do in order to pass to the next stage. The life tasks of adolescence include building an identity, becoming independent, and planning for employment. Adult development is based on life structures. These are the roles, relationships, and physical location that shape each person's life. Life tasks help people move to the next stage of adult development and the life structure for that stage.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
hormone kinesthetic learning
body image interrelate
auditory learning life-span development
visual learning adolescence

Academic Vocabulary
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