Families Today

Chapter 18: Development Lasts a Lifetime

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 18.1 Your Development

Review Key Concepts
  1. auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning
  2. linked in a mutual relationship

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary. Case studies about negative behavior may affect society by involving law enforcement, hurting others, or damaging property. Positive behavior may improve the community and make people feel good.
  2. Answers will vary but could include that some ideals regarding body image are promoted by fashion designers; seen in popular television shows, videos, or movies; an admired person starts a trend; or cultural and social changes. In order to become more comfortable with body image, a person can make the best of their physical self and appreciate their own good.

Section 18.2 Section Life-Span Development

Review Key Concepts
  1. A life task is a challenge to be met at each stage of growth. It can be the skills, habits, knowledge, or attitudes you need to cope with the events in that stage. Completing a life task brings feelings of competence and success. You feel ready to meet the tasks of the next stage. In contrast, failure at a task leads to feelings of inadequacy. It makes success at future tasks more doubtful.
  2. People spend most of their adult lives earning a living. Those who choose and prepare for careers tend to be happier than those who take whatever comes along.
  3. roles, relationships, and the physical world

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Divorce could affect all parts of the life structure. To divorce would mean a change in role from spouse to single person. It could mean a different physical world with a new home and a new location.
  2. Answers will vary depending on biography read. Students should identify development and life structures.
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