Families Today

Chapter 20: Support Your Community

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 20.1 Citizenship

Citizenship is membership in a community. It guarantees certain rights. It comes with certain responsibilities. The rights of U.S. citizens are listed in the Constitution and its amendments. Participation is an important responsibility of citizens. Good citizens vote and stay informed. They participate by getting involved. Citizens also participate by providing leadership. People build the communities they want. They do this through their actions. Strong communities help families meet their needs. Citizens build strong communities when they respect property and control crime. They also do this when they care for the environment and promote understanding.

Section 20.2 Service

Volunteers are people who give unpaid help to others in the form of time, service, or skills. Service to others is part of a well-rounded life. The demand for volunteers always exceeds the supply. Volunteer work is one way for citizens to show commitment to their community and care for others. One of the benefits to volunteers is improving life for others. Volunteers may practice skills and learn new ones. They meet a variety of people and may make new friends. Volunteers need to honor their commitment. They need good work skills. Every community has many opportunities to volunteer. Many national organizations also have opportunities for volunteers.

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