Families Today

Chapter 28: Readiness for Marriage

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 28.1 Understand Attraction

Review Key Concepts
  1. The costs are less and the rewards more for people who are attracted to those who live in the same location.
  2. The qualities of a good dating partner may not be the ones needed for a long-term relationship. Couples can use dating as a way to learn what they want in a partner.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Propinquity means nearness or closeness.
  2. It comes from the Latin words propinquus and propinquitas, which mean near. You can only meet and be attracted to those who are near.
  3. Students may answer no; more knowledge could help people identify what is creating the attraction.

Section 28.2 Choose the Right Partner

Review Key Concepts
  1. A successful marriage takes two self-sufficient people. Otherwise, one person may rely too heavily on the partner. Both may depend too much on their families. People who cannot stand on their own are not able to support someone else.
  2. Extreme jealousy is emotional abuse. A jealous person tries to possess and control another person.
  3. People who believe in marriage as an institution do what it takes to make marriage and family life work. Those who do not value marriage for itself are apt to take it less seriously and not try as hard to make it successful.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. No partner is perfect or perfectly ready. Look for one who meets the most important readiness factors.
  2. Answers could include: Yes. addictions can disrupt family life, there may be no routine, family roles may change, communication is affected, family may become socially isolated, children may be born addicted.
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