Families Today

Chapter 29: Choosing Marriage

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 29.1 The Engagement

Couples can use the engagement period to prepare for marriage. If a couple learns more about each other, they are less likely to have problems in their marriage. An engaged couple needs to see themselves as a team. The engagement period gives the couple's family and friends time to accept and adjust to their upcoming marriage. Many couples seek counseling before marriage. This can help ensure they are making the right decision. Wedding plans can be called off during the engagement period if a person has serious doubts.

Section 29.2 Making Wedding Plans

Weddings are important to society as well as to individuals. Marriage is a legal contract with certain rights and restrictions. A couple may make other contracts such as prenuptial agreements to cover personal concerns. Engaged couples can choose between a civil or religious wedding ceremony. There are also many customs they can include in their wedding. These customs can be regional, ethnic, or family traditions. When a couple takes time to plan for the wedding, the celebration can be less stressful.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
premarital counseling
prenuptial agreement

Academic Vocabulary
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