Families Today

Chapter 29: Choosing Marriage

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 29.1 The Engagement

Review Key Concepts
  1. Time to learn about each other, develop teamwork, establish new relationships, and seek advice.
  2. Couples may break an engagement because they are not ready to make sacrifices and compromises for marriage. Some couples have conflicting traits and values, and others may grow apart during the engagement.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Qualities and examples should demonstrate knowledge of what is needed during the engagement period to make a marriage successful.
  2. Questions will vary but should demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of a premarital counselor.

Section 29.2 Making Wedding Plans

Review Key Concepts
  1. Weddings are a formal and legal display of commitment and the start of a new family. Weddings are also important because society wants to promote stable relationships. Marriage creates a structure for having and raising children. In this way, society continues.
  2. A contract, such as a marriage license, is a binding agreement between two or more people. A custom, such as the bride wearing something borrowed, is a common practice among many people that has been handed down from the past.
  3. An engaged couple can plan for a wedding by managing their expenses and thinking of others.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Tracking of purchases may include a budget, table, or chart. Managing wedding expenses leads to a successful wedding day.
  2. The ceremonies are similar because they both have to meet all legal requirements. Examples of differences and how either type will affect the future will vary.
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