Families Today

Chapter 30: Build a Strong Marriage

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 30.1 Qualities of a Strong Marriage

Strong marriages share some common traits. The couple has realistic expectations about what the marriage will be like. Partners are committed to each other. They show acceptance, flexibility, and thoughtfulness. Marriages vary in satisfaction. The U-Shaped Satisfaction Curve notes that most couples are very happy in the beginning. Satisfaction starts to decrease with the birth of the first child. It tends to be lowest when children enter school, and when children are in their teens. Satisfaction increases when children leave home.

Section 30.2 Skills and Resources for Marriage

Good relationships are needed for a strong marriage. Couples need to be able to resolve conflict. Partners must communicate well. They need to build and share intimacy between them. It is important to spend time together to maintain intimacy. Partners who share the same values often find making decisions easier. Good money management can help couples keep the marriage strong. Resources for couples include family and friends. Others are marriage enrichment programs and marriage counseling.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
marriage commitment
U-shaped curve

Academic Vocabulary
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